5 costs that educational loans can help you cover with ease!

Educational loans are a student’s best friend! They provide invaluable financial assistance and help aspirants pursue their dreams without worrying about the cost. However, there are quite a few students who are sceptical about these loans and doubt their usefulness.

Keeping this in mind, the following article will highlight 5 major costs that education loans can help you cover. Hopefully, this will shed light on the amazing utility these finance solutions provide to students.

1.    Course fees: This is one of the first and most obvious education-related expenses that you can cover with a students loan. Once your admission has been confirmed and your educational loan is approved, the lender will directly transfer the course fee amount to the university or college you have applied to.

2.    Travel & living expense: In case you apply for an overseas course, then you also need to cover travel & living expenses too. This can be quite difficult considering the fact that currency exchange rates are usually not in your favour. Fortunately, the best educational loans will cover up to 75% of your travel & living expenses. This ensures you can stop worrying about funds and start focusing on your education.

3.    Visa expenses: Again, this is only applicable to students who are pursuing an overseas education. They will have to cover their visa expenses and in some cases, also provide proof of funds to secure the visa. In some countries, the visa fees and the proof of funds required can add-up to a sizeable amount of money – take for instance the I20 visa for studies in the USA. Fortunately, the best education loans will cover the cost of your visa and also offer proof of funds.

4.    Pre-admission financing: You might also need cash before you attempt the admission process. This could be to cover things like examination preparation classes, SAT/GMAT/GRE entrance exam fees, the cost of applications for admission to universities abroad, etc.

5.    Other education-related expense: Education loans can also help you cover the tons of miscellaneous expenses you will encounter while pursuing your further education. This will include things like the cost of study material, maybe the purchase of a laptop, security deposits, examination fees, etc.  Individually, these education-related expenses might seem small and easy to handle. However, when you add them up, you will be looking a sizeable amount of money required.

Fortunately, educational loans will help you cover all these expenses with ease. Most lenders will offer 100% finance for your course fees and other education-related expenses. They might not even have any upper limit on the loan amount. As long as you satisfy the eligibility criteria, you will get the financing you need.

Just remember to compare all educational loans available in the market thoroughly before applying for one. You can ask for quotes from the different lenders – this will help you decide which loan offering is best suited for your needs & requirements.

We hope this has been helpful, good luck and all the best!


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