3 Tips to help you repay your education loan efficiently

Repaying your education loan can seem a little overwhelming. Do not worry for you are not alone in feeling this way. A lot of college students feel the weight of debt hit them hard when their first education loan EMI is suddenly due. Now, there is no quick fix that can help you to repay your debt faster. However, by a little bit of guidance can go a long way in ensuring you do things the smart way. To that effect, here are some tips to help you to pay your education loan EMI efficiently.

1.     Take advantage of the moratorium period

When you take an educational loan, the bank or financial institution grants you a grace period called moratorium. This period begins after the completion of your course. Your education loan EMI does not start until the end of the moratorium. This grace period is handed out by the lender so that you can find a job and become financially independent.

Now, it is advisable to begin paying off some of the interest of your loan during this moratorium period. In this way, the interest on your loan amount will not accumulate. You may consider getting a part-time job until you get employed full-time just to start making these payments during the moratorium. This way, you will be able to repay your education loan easily.

2.   Sign up for autopay

Signing up for autopay will ensure that you pay your education loan EMIs on time. This will prevent you from defaulting on your payments and incurring penalties. It is quite possible that you occasionally forget to make a payment or two during a hectic couple of months at your first job. So, avoid getting into this mess and set up autopay. Regular payments will keep you in good standing with the lender and also save you from unnecessary late fees.

3.   Cut down on expenses

You may feel tempted to splurge on the good life when you get your first job. However, it would be wise to keep in mind that you still have to pay an education loan EMI every month. So, it is advisable to continue living just like you did when you were still in college. Instead of moving into a bigger flat, try living with roommates or at hostels in order to save some money. Use public transportation, a carpool, or even a bicycle to travel to work and other places.

You can further plan to cut down on expenses and save money in various ways. For example, try cooking most meals at home and avoiding takeout. All the money that you save can be put towards to your education loan EMI. Cutting down on your expenses might mean that you sacrifice a lot, but it will give you great peace of mind in the long run as you pay your student debt off like a pro!

Hope this article has been useful to you and helps you pay your education loan EMIs efficiently. All the best!


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